god's wrath on left behind (frete grátis) em rj rio de janeiro

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God's Wrath on Left Behind (frete grátis)






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Qtde Visitas: 734
Código do Produto: 00019412
R$  20,00

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Localização: RIO DE JANEIRO
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Quantidades Disponíveis: 1
Inicializa em: 13/02/2016 11:38PM Finaliza em: 24/10/2029 11:35PM | 1736d 9h 22m
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God's Wrath on Left Behind: Exposing the Antichrist Agenda of the Left Behind Series, by Lisa Ruby. Publisher: Liberty To The Captives Publications, 216 pages.

Book Description
God’s Wrath on Left Behind proves that the wildly popular Left Behind novels, allegedly "hung upon a scriptural outline," are driven by cleverly disguised anti-Christian and satanic subliminal messages.
Ruby's new book, God's Wrath on Left Behind, methodically outlines evidence indicating the Left Behind series is not what it appears to be. Moreover, Ruby lays out — through clear biblical examples and critical examination — a compelling argument that the best-selling novels are virtual propaganda tools teeming with an anti-Christian gospel, antichrist messages, and New Age teachings. Cloaked under the label of ‘entertainment,’ the fact is that careful review of the Left Behind books reveals a frightening hidden agenda that is sending harmful messages to millions of readers.
Some of the shocking points Ruby makes in her book include:
How the Left Behind series contains manipulatively worded passages that work to stealthily promote sin such as adultery, abortion, unbiblical attitudes about sex, suicide, murder, hypocrisy, denying Jesus Christ, and many more. Clear evidence the Left Behind series is based on an antichrist foundation that conditions the reader to merge with the kingdom of antichrist.
Also included is critical information exposing Satan's plans to destroy those who believe the visible "mark of the believer" and the false mark of the beast doctrines that are presented as fact in the Left Behind series.
From the Author
All I ask is that people consider the evidence I present, and step away from the fanfare of the Left Behind series. By doing so, you'll discover that things are not what they appear, and that people are being 'entertained' at the expense of Christ.

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