new clues to harry potter: book 5 (frete grátis) em rj rio de janeiro

Livros Ficção Infanto-Juvenil Harry-Potter- Jk Rowling

New Clues to Harry Potter: Book 5 (frete grátis)






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R$  15,00

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New Clues to Harry Potter: Book 5: Hints from the Ultimate Unofficial Guide to the Mysteries of Harry Potter, by Galadriel Waters & Astre Mithrandir. Publisher: Wizarding World Press, 134 pages.

Book Description
HP Sleuths are clever fans who know how to ferret out the clues J.K. Rowling has hidden in her septology, fans who revel in the quest of divining what is yet to come from those concealed mysteries.
HP Sleuths aren't quite ready to be told answers to the mysteries in J.K.R.'s fifth installment of the Harry Potter series -- but they do want to know if they are on the right track. This unusual book provides the hints and clues readers need to unravel these complex mysteries themselves. New Clues to Harry Potter: Book 5 is a "hints only" guide and is in a different format from our Ultimate Unofficial Guide. It includes lots of FAQs to explain some of the more complex events that occurred in Book 5. It also points HP Sleuths to the right sections so you know precisely where to look for all the mega clues we have spotted, and has a lot of big hints and tools that you need so you can start solving the mysteries. The HP Hintoscope, WWP Sleuthoscope and Rememberit Quill will all help too! But we won't be openly exposing all of the answers in this "New Clues" Guide. Includes:
• Special tools to investigate the mysteries in Book 5 • New Guide of Clues to Harry Potter • Cool reference materials to keep key clues fresh
HP Sleuths who are ready for the answers can find them in the new Ultimate Unofficial Guide to the Mysteries of Harry Potter (Analysis of Book 5), the full analysis released by Wizarding World Press before the release of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, in July of 2005. Get ready to pull out your memories and take a look—you’ll be amazed at what there is to see!

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